Thank you for all the many extraordinary pictures you have submitted to the Family Meal Photo Competition supported by Online Casino Srbija! We received photos from 32 countries all over the world, highlighting what the family meal means to you and your loved ones.
The selection process was certainly not easy, but after much deliberation the competition judges Jamie Oliver and photographer Chris Terry chose Ari’s family photo from Laos and Breech’s picture from the Philippines.
We set you a challenge, and you delivered!
A Rshi family comes together to prepare a special meal called Khauchi Papa to celebrate the new year. Khauchi Papa is made from newly harvested rice sprinkled with sesame seeds. Rshi people are an ethnic minority in Laos’ highlands.
Jamie Oliver: “Ari’s colourful shot from Laos is a fantastic example of how important and fun it can be to prepare and share a meal with your loved ones. A family meal might seem like one of the most basic things in the world, but it’s easy to forget that this isn’t a given, and there are many people that struggle to do this. It’s a big issue, and I hope this competition will help to raise awareness of that.”